I Assert That Another Dessert Can’t Hurt

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rating out of 5 tea bags= 

I am back with another food review! Instead of reviewing something that every Kansan is familiar with, such as barbecue, I decided to tackle ethnic desserts. This was a completely unexplored territory for me and going into this, I lacked even a basic amount of knowledge on the topic. The idea was brought to me because of the amount of ethnic dessert restaurants and cafes that are in Overland Park, Kansas. So, I went to four of the most popular places to give all of you my two cents!

Fat Bee


I had no idea what to expect when I arrived at Fat Bee Drinks. I had never been to a cafe that serves exclusively ethnic teas. The place was modernly furnished, giving it a bit of a cool ambiance. Consulting the menu, I saw that there were tons of options! So many things looked simple and delicious. But I didn’t want something simple, I was committed to getting something wild. I ended up ordering the Oreo Milk Tea with Cheese Mousse. I was pretty scared because three words kept running through my mind: tea, Oreos, and cheese. Three words that are, in my opinion, mutually exclusive. When I received my concoction with the adorable Fat Bee Drinks logo, I encountered another new thing. The cup was sealed with a plastic covering! I took one of the very wide straws with a pointed end and pierced my plastic adversary. The tea was amazing! It had the familiar taste of tea while having the same sweetness and flavor of Oreos. The only thing that I didn’t feel belonged was the cheese mousse. Although, it was tasty by itself, mixed in it was… less than appetizing. After paying, the woman behind the counter gave me a punch card and sent me on my way. Due to the cafe’s arsenal of creative and tasty flavors, the charming interior, and quick service, I would definitely recommend Fat Bee Teas to my readers but maybe avoid the cheese mousse! I award Fat Bee four-out-of-five Tea Bags.

Kung Fu Tea

I arrived at Kung Fu Tea with a much better idea of what awaited me. The first thing I noticed was the it was much smaller than I would’ve expected; there was a single table and a few chairs, not much standing room. The second thing that I noticed, was that every last iota of standing room was completely taken up by waiting and excited customers! That must be a good sign. The menu had less variety than that of Fat Bee but I soon found something tempting. After waiting in line for a couple minutes, I ordered the Strawberry Milk Slush. Again, I was greeted with the same plastic seal, it was soon pierced and I was off enjoying my drink. It again had the same expected taste of tea. What type of tea, I could never be sure, for I am not a big tea drinker. Overshadowing the taste of tea was the flavor and consistency of a strawberry milkshake. It was very sweet, which I greatly enjoyed. Overall, the service was quick but my options to choose from were very limited. My drink didn’t taste like a mixture of two drinks as much as it just tasted like a strawberry milkshake, which is a disappointing quality in a tea based drink. That, on top of the cramped, style-less feel of the tea shop leads me to recommend Kung Fu Tea if you’re not looking to sit down but to get a tea and go. I award Kung Fu Tea three-out-of-five Tea Bags.

I Am Frozen Desserts Cafe

When I got to I Am Frozen Desserts Cafe, I immediately noticed the amusing logo on the wall. The giant penguin was a fun accent to the cozy atmosphere of the place. I consulted the menu which had about ten items on it. I ended up ordering the ever-flattering I Am Awesome which was a metal pail filled with Oreo ice cream covered in whipped cream and the crushed-up cookie. The wait was pleasantly short and once it was delivered, I was surprised by the dessert’s appearance! It was… thinly, sliced? I learned soon thereafter that this was called shaved ice cream and boy was it delicious. Though there was a lot of it in the metal pail, I was able to finish it because of how light and fluffy the shaved ice cream was. I Am Awesome was absolutely spectacular and I washed it all down with a complimentary, refreshing strawberry water. Overall, I Am Frozen Desserts Cafe was a wonderful experience. The service was kind, helpful, and speedy; the atmosphere of the cafe was quaint and comfortable; and the ice cream, oh my gosh, the ice cream! It was delicious, ultra-flavorful, and I insist that everybody try it at least once. For these reasons, I would most highly recommend I Am Frozen Desserts Cafe to anybody looking for a scrumptious dessert. I award I Am Frozen Desserts Café five-out-of-five Tea Bags!

Tous Les Jours

By the time I arrived at Tous Les Jours, the selection was a bit sparse due to the lateness of the hour. I looked at the remaining selection in the glass case and decided upon a delicious looking slice of Green Tea Cake which I then ordered at the counter. Because all ordering is done at the counter, there is absolutely no wait for all the requested baked goods that your heart desires. The interior of Tous Les Jours was very pretty. It was warmly lit and furnished wooden decor, giving it all the charm and ambience of a French bakery. The slice of cake was amazing! It had just the right amount of underlying green tea taste, while having all of the sweetness and texture of a slice of cake, spongy and not too dry. The top of the slice of green-colored cake was furnished with a grape, blueberry, and a tiny chocolate plaque with the name of the establishment on it. My only complaint about my Tous Les Jours experience was that I had not ordered more of the Green Tea Cake! Because of the delightful atmosphere of the French themed cafe, the kind and speedy service, and the amazing quality of the sugary treats that you can order, I would recommend Tous Les Jours to anybody and everybody who will listen! I award Tous Les Jours five-out-of-five Tea Bags!