Ending on a High Note

Sophomore Kristin Kaufman tips the ball during the Varsity Dig Pink game against Olathe West. The game took place at Olathe Northwest on October 14.
The Olathe North varsity and junior varsity volleyball teams played against Olathe West at the annual Dig Pink fundraiser on Monday, October 14. The event took place at Olathe Northwest High School. Olathe West won both the varsity and junior varsity games, 2-0.
This is the seventh year that the Olathe high schools have organized Dig Pink, an event to fundraise and spread awareness for breast cancer. Since then, over $46,000 has been raised for the cause. Varsity started off the night at 5 pm. Next, there was an honoree ceremony followed by the junior varsity game.
“I think [Dig Pink] is a really good way to spread awareness for breast cancer and just getting people out to watch volleyball,” senior varsity player Johanna Hines said.
The honoree ceremony began with a speech from an advocate for the cause, and then some of the players walked across the gym with a friend or relative diagnosed with breast cancer or in memory of someone who passed away from the disease.
“I thought it was a really great experience, like when they had the breast cancer survivors or their relatives that walk through the whole aisle of cheerleaders,” said freshman junior varsity volleyball player Isabelle Campbell, “I feel like it inspired a lot of people to make a change and it shows people how big of a deal breast cancer is.”
Freshmen players had the opportunity to experience Dig Pink for the first time, but it was also their first high school season. Coming from middle school volleyball can be a big adjustment because there is a larger group of players and the season runs longer.
“The competition is a lot higher and you meet a lot of new friends and people that you haven’t played with before,” Campbell said.
This year there is only one freshman on varsity, Kyleigh Connell. “Coming into North was scary for me because I didn’t know what team I was going to be on,” she said. “Coming in and making varsity was a really good day.”
Connell thinks being on varsity with older players helps her playing ability.
“It’s better, or at least I am, playing with upperclassmen. I’m playing with [seniors] and I’m a [freshman] so it’s a cool experience,” Connell added.
The volleyball season ended for the freshman and sophomore teams on October 15fe, and the junior varsity team’s last game was on October 22. The varsity season ended on October 26.
“I just want to thank my coaches and my teammates for such a great first high school season,” Campbell said.

Eve is a senior, and this is her fourth year on staff and second as editor-in-chief. Her favorite topics to write on are social issues, legislation, and...