At North, the Crowds are Back
As the dismissal bell rang the afternoon of Friday, September 3rd, thousands of Olathe North students left the school building and the weekend began. Yet this weekend started in a way that hasn’t been seen in nearly two years. At 7 pm, a student section filled with white togas would gather together and the Olathe North Eagles would kickoff in a football game against Shawnee Mission South.
As the history of the Eagles Football team presents itself the crowd was expecting nothing less than a thrilling game. Freshman Katie Philips sat in the stands that night as she experienced her first football game as a high school student.
“Honestly this was more than I was expecting, I thought I was overdoing it with the paint, but I’m glad I did it. It has been a lot of fun and I will be coming to more,” Phillips said.
Where the spirit generated from was present right off the field. Filling the first row, Eagle Flight Crew led students in chants, cheering, and kept everyone on their feet. As red Silly String infused the air, Senior Katie Hernandez shared why she decided to join Eagle Flight Crew this year.
“I wanted to keep the school hyped and keep up the traditions that previous flight crew members have put down,” Hernandez said.
Traditions indeed stand strong at Olathe North. Anywhere from the classic fight song to being ready to shout “scoreboard” when they have the lead.
“I think our student section is the best because we are the loudest in the district,” junior Heaven Triscornia said.
As storm clouds rolled in and light rain fell on the eagle student section the buzzer indicating halftime sounded. Holding a strong lead, the Eagles football team became more and more confident in the outcome of Friday’s game.
Yet just a few months ago stands filled with roaring fans weren’t present. Sophomore Hannah Rupert, an Eagle cheerleader, tells how the lack of human presence at least year’s games affected her.
“Not having a student section last year was hard and made it difficult to have school spirit, but now that it is back it is a lot better,” Rupert said.
The football game that night ended in the first eagles win, a score of 56-0. The stands started to empty and the Shawnee Mission South Raiders left with disappointment.
Just across the field the Olathe North students, teachers, cheerleaders, and football players came together to end the night. The long-known alma mater closed the game, but the celebrations of another victory continued.
As the Eagle’s football team prepares for the rest of the season they dream of many more successful nights. Only time will tell the true outcome, but no matter the ending score you can be sure to spot a fully themed student section on Friday nights, ready to support their school.
Gracya is a senior and this is her first year on the paper. She’s looking forward to sharing the passion she has for the school with other students....