October Northviews
Mallory Graybeal and Paige Keith|November 4, 2021
Senior Brandon Gonzalez-Morales and sophomore Aiden Bruce cheer on the Eagles football team from the sideline during a game. The football team played Lawerence Free State on September 17th, winning 21-7. | Photo by Gracya Snowbarger.
Juniors Taylor Sales and Kyleigh Connell participate in spirit week by wearing 70s and 80s gear on Decades Day. “I love seeing everyone dress up for homecoming spirit week. After two years of not being able to, it’s fun seeing people go all out,” Sales said. | Photo by Paige Keith
Junior Jacob Danner uses a sledgehammer to smash the hood of a minivan during the Homecoming Bonfire on September 30. The car smash has been an essential part of the bonfire activities. | Photo by Paige Keith.
Senior Abbie Sorrel poses with an Eagle head and a cooking pot decorated with paint during the football game on September 17th. The Eagles played Lawerence Free State and the theme was USA-out. | Photo by Gracya Snowbarger.

Mallory is a senior and this is her second year on the paper. Her favorite part of newspaper is being able to write about a lot of different topics, especially...

Paige is a senior and this is her second year on the paper. She loves voicing her opinions in every article, and her favorite article she's written is...