What Drives the Teachers Crazy?

Some of your favorite Olathe North teachers interviewed in a tell-all on the topic of their pet peeves!

Ashley Honey, Staff Editor

Paul Williams

Classroom Behavior Pet Peeve?: “Talking while teacher gives directions.”

Student Behavior Pet Peeve?: “Lining up at the door at the end of the hour, phones, and only putting first names on assignments.”

Hallway Behavior Pet Peeve?: “Walking slow.”

Deena Osness

Classroon Behavior Pet Peeve?: “Cell phone usage.”

Student Behavior Pet Peeve?: “Students talking while I’m talking!”

Hallway Behavior Pet Peeve?: “Students laying around in the hallways and coves during EHT- and won’t move when you walk by.”

Deirdre Zongker

Classroon Behavior Pet Peeve?: “Students not hearing directions because they’re on their phones, then asking me what we’re doing.”

Student Behavior Pet Peeve?: “Laziness.”

Hallway Behavior Pet Peeve?: “People looking at their phones instead of where they’re going.”