How Did the Eagles Spend the Holidays?

Eve Loehrer, Staff Editor

The following are the results of a survey conducted on a small sample of the Olathe North students.

When asked if COVID-19 affected his family’s decision to stay home, sophomore Pery Sandhu said, “Yes it did, since my dad has asthma and so do I, so we are being careful so my dad or any of my family members doesn’t get it.” Many students expressed a similar sentiment, “We usually go to my grandma’s house, but she has cancer so we didn’t want to risk anything,” sophomore Andie Carley said. COVID-19 also affected senior Amber Mullins’s decision to travel. “My family is high risk so we decided to stay home and not risk bringing COVID with us and getting them sick.”

However, some students and their families did not cancel trips to account for risks. “We were careful and drove there instead of flying and made sure everyone was comfortable and staying safe beforehand,” senior Raegan Meyer said about her family’s trip to Alabama. “[COVID] definitely complicated things, but we always travel and have had this trip planned for a long time. We trust our family and knew we would be safe.”